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The Primary School Curriculum at Our Lady and St George's (OLSG), is thoughtfully crafted to provide a comprehensive education that seamlessly integrates faith, values, and academic excellence. Tailored to the unique ethos of OLSG, the curriculum prioritises the spiritual and moral development of pupils while maintaining a strong academic focus. Here's an adapted overview:

  1. Religious Education (RE): At the core of OLSG's curriculum is Religious Education, where pupils engage deeply with Catholic beliefs, values, and practices. The RE curriculum at OLSG aims to nurture spiritual growth and foster a profound understanding of the Catholic faith.

  2. Core Subjects:

    • English: OLSG places a special emphasis on developing literacy skills, including reading, writing, and effective communication. Pupils explore literature through a lens that aligns with the school's values.
    • Mathematics: The curriculum covers key mathematical concepts, problem-solving, and practical applications, ensuring a solid foundation in numeracy for OLSG pupils.
  3. Foundation Subjects:

    • History and Geography: OLSG pupils learn about historical events and geographical phenomena with a focus on promoting understanding and empathy.
    • Art and Design, Music, and Physical Education: Creative expression, physical well-being, and appreciation for the arts are integral to OLSG's curriculum, contributing to holistic development.
    • Modern Foreign Languages (MFL): OLSG introduces basic language skills in Spanish to broaden pupils' cultural awareness.
  4. Personal, Social, Health,  Education (PSHE/RSE): This subject at OLSG is dedicated to developing life skills, emotional well-being, and a sense of social responsibility grounded in Catholic values.

  5. Computing: OLSG's curriculum includes computer literacy, coding, and digital skills to equip pupils with the tools they need for the modern world.

  6. Cross-Curricular Themes: Themes like global awareness, sustainability, and social justice are seamlessly woven into various subjects at OLSG to instil a sense of responsibility and empathy.

  7. Assessment: OLSG employs ongoing formative and summative assessments to monitor pupils' progress, ensuring that teaching approaches are tailored to individual needs.

  8. Extra-Curricular Activities: OLSG places importance on extracurricular activities such as prayer groups, community service projects, and events that reinforce the school's dedication to the values of Our Lady and St George.

In summary, the Primary School Curriculum at Our Lady and St George's is a purposeful blend of academic rigour and spiritual development, fostering an environment where pupils can thrive academically while embracing the rich Catholic heritage of the school.